School Fees

Fee Information

Wild Rose School Division does not charge school fees for textbooks, lockers and core course instructional supplies, as per Bill 1. As such, there is no longer a WRSD fee for Evergreen students.

Evergreen Elementary School does charge fees for Full-Time Kindergarten, field trips and swimming. The fees are vital to cover costs of staffing involved, busing to and from and providing materials and opportunities that the school could not otherwise offer. 

School Fees for Full-Time Kindergarten are attached for the year in September and are due the 1st of each month. All other fees will be attached when the event takes place.

Our 23/24 School Fee Schedule can be viewed here.


SchoolCash Online

Wild Rose School Division's preferred method of payment is by using SchoolCash online. Fees can be paid online or at the office by cash or cheque.

Please call us if you have any questions as we would like to work with families to manage payments that support student programming.

Parents can now pay with: School Cash Online
To make paying school fees easier, Wild Rose School Division is now accepting online payments. School Cash Online allows parents and community members to pay school-related fees online safely, quickly and easily. With School Cash Online, you can purchase items like sports team fees, lunches and field trips.

How it Works?

School Cash Online puts all of the school fees available for your student(s) online to purchase. You can have students in different schools and choose to pay fees online through credit card, eCheck and myWallet.

Click Here to register